“Rico Pitbull” NL24-8517765 Griz Cock
Grandson of famous “Olympic Rico” 1st Olympic Ace Pigeon YBS, 1st National Ace Pigeon YBS KBDB 2020, 1st World’s Best Pigeon 2020.
Sire: “Copy Olympic Rico” is a son of “Olympic Rico” 1st Olympic Ace Pigeon YBS, 1st National Ace Pigeon YBS KBDB 2020, 1st World’s Best Pigeon 2020 winning, 1st Laon vs. 4,110 birds, 1st Laon vs. 2,924 birds, 1st Laon vs. 274 birds, 2nd Laon vs. 4,451 birds.
Dam: “Grizzle Lady BK” is an inbred granddaughter of “Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2017
size: medium
ventbones: closed
muscles: strong
back: strong
Arrives in May 2025, price includes all costs (bird, importing and shipping)