“Leo 709”


“Leo 709” NL24-8517709 BB Cock

Inbred to “Olympiad 003” super Leo Heremans lines with Dirk vd Bulck

Sire: “Special Golden 003” is son of super breeder “Golden 003” responsible for Big OLR winners of over €160,000+

Dam: “Greipel 003 Lady” is a granddaughter of “Greipel” 6th National Ace Pigeon Sprint YBS KBDB and full brother to “Kittel”


Size: medium

Ventbones: closed

Muscles: strong

Back: strong

Arrives in March 2025, price includes all costs (bird, importing and shipping)




“Leo 709” NL24-8517709 BB Cock

Inbred to “Olympiad 003” super Leo Heremans lines with Dirk vd Bulck

Sire: “Special Golden 003” is son of super breeder “Golden 003” responsible for Big OLR winners of over €160,000+

Dam: “Greipel 003 Lady” is a granddaughter of “Greipel” 6th National Ace Pigeon Sprint YBS KBDB and full brother to “Kittel”


Size: medium

Ventbones: closed

Muscles: strong

Back: strong

Arrives in March 2025, price includes all costs (bird, importing and shipping

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