“Gold Greipel”


“Gold Greipel” NL24-8517888 Silver Cock

Grandson of “Blue Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2021 crossed with the Dirk vd Bulck super lines

Sire: “Copy Blue BK” is a son to “Blue Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2021 and 4th National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2019.  He is also a grandson of “Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2017.  He is a proven breeder himself.

Father to:

2nd vs. 437 birds

2nd vs. 1,626 birds

5th vs. 1,279 birds

8th vs. 327 birds

Dam: “Golden Greipel” granddaughter of two supers “Greipel” 6th National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2013 and “Gold Dust” best breeding sister of “Kittel”.  Her half-sister bred 1st NPO Morlincourt vs. 9,052 birds


size: medium to large

ventbones: almost closed

muscles: strong

back: strong

Arrives in May 2025, price includes all costs (bird, importing and shipping)




“Gold Greipel” NL24-8517888 Silver Cock

Grandson of “Blue Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2021 crossed with the Dirk vd Bulck super lines

Sire: “Copy Blue BK” is a son to “Blue Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2021 and 4th National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2019.  He is also a grandson of “Best Kittel” 1st National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2017.  He is a proven breeder himself.

Father to:

2nd vs. 437 birds

2nd vs. 1,626 birds

5th vs. 1,279 birds

8th vs. 327 birds

Dam: “Golden Greipel” granddaughter of two supers “Greipel” 6th National Ace Pigeon Sprint 2013 and “Gold Dust” best breeding sister of “Kittel”.  Her half-sister bred 1st NPO Morlincourt vs. 9,052 birds


size: medium to large

ventbones: almost closed

muscles: strong

back: strong

Arrives in May 2025, price includes all costs (bird, importing and shipping



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